A Novel by Charles Adrian Trevino
Copyright 2006, 2018


Chapter 18

David Geeken and Stephen Schidtberger sat at their private table, secluded at the back of their favorite luncheon spot The Ritzo, an exclusively expensive new restaurant that had recently opened in Westview. Located just a few blocks from the studios which they jointly operated, its dimly lit back area served as their conference room as well as an excellent place to feed their greedy faces, and many a profitable business deal had been done there.

At the present moment Geeken and Schidtberger were busily engaged in their newest project: to make their upcoming movie attract an enormous audience and reap the maximum profit possible, while simultaneously ridiculing and deflating their favorite enemy and the object of their undying hatred, a certain notorious anti–Usherite upstart of low social and economic rank who had earned their undying enmity many years ago, after he had started a fight with the son of a prominent Usher... at a previously all-Usher school.

Attending their kids' schools, applying for jobs in their town, surfing their beaches, this intruder had immediately proven himself to be a typical lower–class scoundrel, and the list of his offenses had mounted steadily day-by-day as the Ushers continued to monitor him closely over the years. Then he had taken the same course as so many other fools before him, starting to read and believe anti–Usheric propoganda. Transcripts of his car and telephone conversations had reflected a change gradually coming over him, as he absorbed information like a sponge and attempted to impart what he had learned about the Ushers to anyone he came in contact with; anyone who would listen to such ridiculous drivel, that is.

This knight errent, however, was unusually assiduous; he would take the time to make copies of pages of books he checked out from various libraries, or cut out articles from newspapers that he would file away alphabetically in large cabinets he kept in his bedroom. He typed up, printed out and attempted to circulate pamphlets "exposing" government corruption, alluding that there was a hidden cabal which absolutely controlled the UFS by manipulating its economy and political structure. Although he never actually used the word "Usher," he had come close enough in their opinion; a rabble–rousing troublemaker who spoke without knowledge.

He was also a myopic idiot who either couldn't see or refused to heed the numerous admonitions the Ushers had so graciously provided to him. They had repeatedly given him fair warning that they and their constituents could track his movements and watch him anywhere he went, knew all about his private affairs, and could have him arrested, beaten up or even killed if they so desired. These "warnings" were generally delivered through intimations implanted in various outlets in the form of popular movies, song lyrics, television programs, best–selling novels, advertising commercials and billboards, and maybe newspaper cartoon strips if one was so inclined; or they might plaster a huge monition or "warning" insult on the side of a bus or even a tall office building, an outrage they had managed to impose on society after gradually quelling heavy public opposition. There was virtually no way for a citizen of the UFS to miss the messages which the Ushers so generously imparted in order to persuade their enemies to "correct" their wayward behavior.

Yet this dummy had continually failed to take the hints; surveillance had disclosed that he didn't like going to movie theatres, and didn't even watch television or listen to the radio anymore. Thus, he was infuriatingly immune to these primary vehicles of subliminal persuasion, with their surreptitiously will–eroding, spirit–deflating qualities. Moreover, he was quite vocal in expressing his contempt for the "new entertainment" and the "usurping hyena scum" responsible for it. As far as the two entertainment industry titans were concerned, that in itself was enough to incur their wrath; but there was more.

In an unforeseen turn of events, a strikingly beautiful girl of some talent had inexplicably come into his low life, an unusually intelligent one at that, and the incredible, unbelievable fact that she was a Usher from a monied family had raised the hackles of some very powerful people. This thick but lucky moron had already stupidly bitten the hand that fed him, and with a partner like that on his side, he might do anything. Even win.

"What's her name?" Geeken asked his grubby–pawed cohort, as he shoved huge pieces of lobster into his mouth.

"Katrina Fury," Schidtberger responded, sipping tea and soda from a big crystal goblet.

"You've met her?" Geeken gulped, gagging on his mouthful as he talked.

"Yes, several times. She was going to sign with me, but then she... her mother didn't want her to do it, thought it would affect her schoolwork," Schidtberger lied, as he set his weighty glass down. "But later the bitch signed with Goldmann, that straight–laced little alter boy... and told her friend in a phone conversation it was because his films were much better than mine, higher class! After all I tried to do for the cunt..."

Geeken stopped gorging himself long enough to incredulously blurt out his next question. "And now she's fucking Fontana?"

"No, I didn't say she was fucking him! She's a goddamned virgin prude, for christsakes... just like him!" The two moguls exchanged giggles for a moment, then Schidtberger continued. "She's just on some kind of head trip... went a little crazy after her father died, and somehow bonded with that... thing! They were in a college class together, that's how he met her. They became good friends...real good friends. Now, under his influence, she's been giving Harry Rosenberg's boy Jacob a hard time... even though Jacob's the one who introduced her to Goldmann!"

"What's she done?" Geeken was trying to talk and gobble his food simultaneously, so interesting did he find the conversation.

"The bitch bamboozeled the poor kid, completely fucked him over. She got him to give her some videos and tape recordings of Fontana, told him she was going to show them to her friends. Then the Eyes caught her talking to a lawyer... they checked him out, he's her late father's partner. She told this lawyer she would pay him to advise her on a certain matter, a case of defamation, it seems."

"What? She's putting out her own money? What the fuck
is this guy Fontana? He's fucking ugly, for god sakes! Why would anybody... I mean, what the fuck is going on here, Schidt?"

"That's not all, Geek. She has
a lot of money... her father left her a small fortune. She could conceivably make trouble for Jacob, which might have repercussions higher up. Also, the story is she has talent... she's probably gonna' be big, going through that jackass Goldmann, and could become very influential unless we, uh... take steps to override that..." Schidtberger let his sentence trail off as he shoved a forkful of sardines into his gaping orifice.

Geeken began to laugh as he chewed, struggling to keep his food in his mouth. "Sounds like she needs to be put through the process... ha ha ha! But seriously, timing is critical here... we should wait until she gets a little bigger, more well–known, before we do anything. So all the goiks will know who it is they're laughing at! If she's not famous yet, they won't know we're talking about her, you see? It's all a matter of timing..."

"Oh, of course... she's already given a lot of interviews though, and Goldmann's movie is due out next month... it'll gross big; she'll soon be famous. But now that we're finishing up with this Fontana project, I think we should start working on Katrina right away, starting with the television network stuff."

Geeken's eyes were glinting as he bolted down his food. This was the kind of thing he enjoyed... loved... lived for! And he was so good at it!

"O.k., it'll be fun... let's do it!"


Jacob Rosenberg was cursing under his breath as he drove past Katrina's house in Westview, slowing down to stare at the large stately mansion. He hadn't been able to keep himself from doing this, several times a day, ever since he had found out that Katrina was betraying him.

Jacob's curses grew louder as he continued down the road. He had been totally duped by this foul, cunning vixen whom he had given everything to, had trusted completely. Not only had she passed him over for some dirtbag from the gutter, she had also betrayed his trust and tricked him into turning over his most prized and valuable possessions to her, with the intent of stealing his money and giving it to an enemy of the Ushers -- a person whom she rightfully should have despised.

By the time he had reached the end of the long street, Jacob was screaming obscenities out his open window. He only began to calm down when a Westview Patrol cruiser suddenly turned the corner in front of him and headed his way. By the time it passed by him he had completely recovered his composure, and had already begun thinking of his revenge... again.

The matter of how to deal with Katrina could wait; he had a more important item on his agenda. Fontana had been asking for it for years, and now he was really going to get it. No more of this kid gloves shit... Jacob was ready to avenge himself, and he knew how to do it.

It was Jacob's custom to meet as many people in as many walks of life as he could; he maintained a large book of telephone numbers, and he very astutely kept in contact with the people who could be most useful to him at any given time, depending on his needs. Given his propensity to either make enemies or else to revenge himself on those enemies, that phonebook included a fair number of lowlifes who were more than willing to hire themselves out as amateur "hit–men," and who would perform dirty deeds ranging from vandalizing property to assault and battery; he could even have someone murdered if he so desired. Jacob knew exactly who to call now.

He had met John Boot through Bill Bronsky, his ornery old friend and partner in debauchery. Although Jacob had instantly abhored Boot, he had also seen the advantages of knowing him; Boot was a slow–witted but physically imposing brute of a fellow, and was also very easily led, as he was frequently strapped for cash due to an exorbitant drug habit. He possessed all the requisite qualities of a good pawn. Jacob had established a rapport with Boot, who quickly revealed himself to be a jack–of–all–trades; he could deal drugs, steal cars, hold up stores, and even rob banks; he knew lots of bad–ass types, and some of
them knew real mob gangsters.

Bronsky was the one who had told Jacob about Boot's other line: beating people up for a very reasonable fee. He had done it several times already, and had no compunction about doing it again; he liked it. Jacob had ingratiated himself with this beast and had skillfully begun to extract information from him about his mercenary activities. He learned that the mentally unstable, drug–addled Boot was more than willing to stalk and attack anyone, anywhere, either by himself or employing helper–thugs for the bigger, higher–paying jobs. After a while Jacob had hinted that he might have some business for him, whereupon Boot immediately began to quote prices for different types of assaults. A simple intimidating punch in the face might only cost $50, for instance; however, a more thorough beating that would require helpers would cost many times that amount. It mattered little to Jacob; he was willing to pay Boot handsomely for what he was going to ask of him.

It was a delicate matter, and would have to be carried out with the utmost care in order for Jacob to avoid being implicated. It would require some planning, and would take a bit of time to put all the pieces together; he would have to spend some money. But he was determined now, more than ever before, to deal with this doltish manipulator Fontana. A good thrashing was exactly what Carlos needed; maybe even some broken fingers. He'd have a lot of fun going on his goddamned tour and trying to play guitar with his hand wrapped in a cast! Maybe then he would learn who not to mess with in Westview.

"Or anywhere else, for that matter," Jacob said out loud, laughing.


Copyright 2006, 2018 by Charles Adrian Trevino.